We’re galvanizing cross-functional action in 3 key areas:
- Technology advancement
- Economic development
- Workforce development
In the long term, we aim to be a driving force that generates:
- In the long term, we aim to build an ecosystem that helps our community participate in and take full advantage of emerging technologies—supporting economic growth, expanding workforce skills, and creating new opportunities for individuals and businesses alike - while positioning our region as a leading hub for innovation.

More specifically, Chattanooga Quantum Collaborative’s role is to:

COORDINATE & COLLABORATE on the beginning elements of a 10-year quantum community plan around technology advancement, economic development and workforce development.
CONNECT & CONVENE stakeholders to assist with the 10-year plan, develop commercial use cases, advance quantum technology and explore pathways for learning and workforce development. Then, continued engagement with working groups will help define the longer-term vision and potential outcomes.
COMMUNICATE about our quantum assets to a broad audience locally, nationally, and internationally to drive economic development, job creation and community growth.